Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Host Families Chosen!!

We finally established host families for our German exchange students coming in March. I am sorry if anyone was disappointed in the selection process. I appreciate your support and patience as we move forward with the GAPP Exchange with the Hebel Gymnasium in Schwetzingen.

Now we need to mail to Herr Fuchs and his students at Hebel some introductory letters. Everyone from Enloe who is hosting an exchange student should type a letter, in clear and standard English, to their exchange student. The letter should express the following sentiments and ideas.
  1. Excitement at the prospect of hosting the student in Raleigh.
  2. A little bit about yourself: activities, hobbies, amount of homework, personality, etc.
  3. Something about the accommodation: their own room?
  4. foods and meals you typically eat or have at home
  5. Siblings in the house.
  6. Pets in the house.
  7. The neighborhood you live in
  8. How you get around the area; to school, etc.
  9. Ideas on what to do in Raleigh
  10. Questions for them?
  11. How they should respond to your letter: email? phone? airmail? facebook?
  12. Include your full address and telepone number in your letter.
  13. Include a recent snapshot of yourself, and maybe even pictures of your home and neighborhood.
  14. A holiday Greeting - in German AND English!
Our exchange students mentioned their religious affiliations in their letters. Share with them politely your religious affiliations, if any, and mention the possibility of attending a religious service while in Raleigh.

Please give me these letters and photos, stuffed in an unsealed envelope, by next Thursday, December 11, 2008.

Enloe students going to Germany will also prepare a Steckbrief to send along with these letters.
Download one version of the Steckbrief by clicking one of the following links below. I have three versions: MS Word, Openoffice (*.odt), Rich Text Format (*.rtf). Open the file in your WP of choice, type in your answers to the questions, print it out, and paste a recent, color snapshot of yourself on the front page. On the second page there is some extra empty space; include a second picture there if you like.

Here are the links:

GAPP Exchange Introduction Letter - MS Word Version
GAPP Exchange Introduction Letter - openoffice version (*.odt)
GAPP Exchange Introduction Letter - Rich Text Version (*.rtf)

This letter is due to me by Thursday, December 11, 2008.

Bring those forms to me soon!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Finding homes for our German Exchange Students!

On Wednesday after school, from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM, everyone involved with GAPP, from students hosting our German exchange students to Enloe Eagles flying to Germany to GAPP, there is an important meet where we match Hebel Gymnasiasten to Enloe hosts.

Also, folks flying to Germany will be given important forms to complete concerning our week in Munich, and information on how to prepare an introductory letter for our potential host families in Schwetzingen. The Hebel Group sent us a collection of biographical sketches and photos, affectionately known as the "catalog", and we'll reciprocate and send them our own letters and photos.

So be there, Room 0727, Wednesday from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM.