Sunday, September 21, 2008

Planning Document, First Edition

Here is the first edition of the planning document of our GAPP exchange with the Hebel Gymnasium for this academic year. Herr Peter Fuchs, the GAPP-Teacher/Leader at Hebel is planning on bringing a group of students this March/April 2009 to Raleigh, so we'll need some host families to welcome them for a few weeks in our fair city. Take note of the planning document, it details their stay and their plans; it coincides with our Spring Break somewhat, during which Herr Fuchs and his group will embark on tour of their own outside of Raeligh, then return to Raleigh and finish their time at Enloe with us.

Our stay in Munich is still in the planning stages; I am looking at a hotel near the main train station called the Kurpfalz Hotel as a starting point for planning our stay there. Until we know who's going, it's difficult to plan that part of our trip. We'l probably go with sharing rooms while encamped in Munich, but again we continue to plan that part of the trip.

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